Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Special Sister

As the kids are getting older, they are relating to one another more as peers. Peter's not a baby anymore, and he really loves to be a part of the group and right in the thick of things. In his own quiet way, he demands attention from Lizzy, and insists upon being a part of her games, or silently copies what she is doing. If Lizzy is coloring, Peter grabs paper and wants to color next to her. If Lizzy is playing in her room and wants to be alone, Peter quietly stands in the door way and watches. More and more, Lizzy and Peter will play together, but as "playing" has increased, so has wrestling, chasing, horseplay, and arguing. I'm often reminded of my mother shouting out, "I'm not a referee!" because I find myself increasingly feeling like one, and it can drive me crazy! As I've learned over and over, however, there is always beauty in the chaos, those lovely, miraculous moments when things fall into place. The other day, Lizzy was trying to put Peter down for his nap. I overheard her reading him books in her room, "Look at this page, Peter!" I melted as I heard her lovingly telling him the story, and him following along with his excited comments. She even spread out a blanket for him to lay down on and rest. And then yesterday, I put Peter in his crib because he was fussing around, and I heard Lizzy go in his room and hold his hand through the slats. She brought him some of his favorite cars and played with him until he felt better. Then, just this morning, she included Peter in a game of taking blankets and making "homes" for all the stuffed animals by the fireplace. She encouraged and directed him, and when they were done they read books together. I'm making a conscious effort to capture these loving moments, and truly cherish them. It can be so easy to fall into the drudgery of the bickering, but then I lose sight of the love and kindness occurring all around me. I'm so thankful my kids have one another to share their lives with! They are so lucky!

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