Peter, oh Peter. Lord I love you, but sometimes dealing with an irrational two-year-old can really get on my nerves. Today, right before his nap, Peter decided he just didn't want to put his diaper on. He thrashed around and screamed as though I was poking him. Finally, after much wrestling, I got that diaper on, but Peter, all discombobulated, kept fussing around. He wandered into his room and Lizzy asked me, "Mom, can I help Peter?" I thought to myself, "Good luck with that one!" Then I witnessed one of the most darling interactions. Lizzy said to Peter, "Want me to hold you? Come here and sit on my lap. There you're're just getting yourself all worked up. It's okay." Peter calmed right down, sat on Lizzy's lap, and soaked in her comfort and soothing words. When I came in, Peter asked to read some books, so I read them two books, then Peter promptly went down for his rest. Lizzy, I'm so thankful for your calm head, and kind, soothing way. I'm so thankful for you to step in and help settle everyone down when we're getting all worked up. I'm so thankful for the love you have for your brother, and that you genuinely care about his feelings and are willing to take the time to help him when he needs you. Thank goodness for you, my darling little girl. You are the best!