Saturday, January 4, 2014

Downtown Lights

I'm a joiner by nature.  You're having a party?....I'm there.  Want to play a game or do a project?...totally in.  Don't even get me started about city-wide stuff.  I love parades, outdoor carnivals, festivals, you name it, I'll do it.  And there's something about the holidays that really gets me.  So when our town was having it's local tree lighting ceremony, I was all over it.  Now here's what I kind of don't get: people who aren't joiners.  If you tell people you're hitting up a tree lighting ceremony at night, in the cold, on a school night, some people will think of you as down right crazy.  Me, I think of it as living.  See you have plenty of nights to sit around your house, and only so many that are full of fun, so when fun comes better answer the door.  We loved the tree lighting ceremony.  Getting all bundled up, holding our candles (real candles, with fire and everything), and walking downtown felt magical.  There was a buzz in the air, an electricity, an excitement about what was to come.  People felt friendlier, and I felt like I was a part of something, a valued member of this special group.  We got to see The Grinch Who Stole Christmas in the old movie theater for free, with popcorn. There was Santa, and singing, and all sorts of fun to be had.  When there's a special night, take advantage.  It's always awesome!

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