Monday, February 27, 2012

Self Soother

I've never had a self-soother before. We've always been a binky family. Both Lizzy and Peter loved their binkies! I do mean truly loved them in a rub-all-over-your-face because even the scent is delightful, kind of way. The trouble with binkies is, they fall the middle of the night and you can't find them so you have to yell for your mom. They drop out of the stroller and get lost along the way. On long car trips, the fall down and you can't reach them so your mom has to pull over and fish them out of the crevices of the car so you'll stop having a tantrum. And lastly, it takes soooooo long for kids to be able to bink themselves! Now the thumb.....ah, the is just lovely. And yes, I'm going to go officially on the record saying that it's lovely, and when Catherine is 21 and still sucking her thumb and everyone is laughing at me, I'll read this post and remember how awesome it is that she sucks her thumb. When Catherine is tired, she just sucks her thumb, and out she goes. When she's fussy in car, or in the stroller, in goes the thumb. I can lay her down in her bed in the middle of the day, eyes wide open, and come back a few minutes later and she'll be out, her little thumb in her mouth. It's the best! Sure, I better start putting my money away for all the braces and head gear we'll need in the future, but for now, I'm a fan of the thumb, big time!

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