Monday, December 12, 2011

The Sweetest Hello

Good morning, beautiful:) I remember when Lizzy was born, every morning when I would wake up and see her in her little cradle, I felt like I was being handed the very best present, like I won the lottery, like I couldn't believe that this little bundle was really mine. I also felt amazed and proud of myself that I made it through the night! This was my prize for the late night feedings, the endless rockings, working out those burps and blearily changing diapers. I've since felt the same combination of disbelief, pride, wonder, and amazement with each of my children when they are so new. Good morning, dear baby! How can anything be wrong in the world when I'm looking at you:)

1 comment:

  1. What a little lovely to wake up to...I really need to snuggle her soon and get a little whisper of her fresh from heaven loveliness.
