Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Peter at School

Because Lizzy goes to school more days than Peter, I have to volunteer more often in her room. In fact, I only work in Peter's room three times over the course of the year. It feels like I'm always the helper for Lizzy. Whenever we talk about school at breakfast, the kids always ask if it's my turn to be helper mommy, and more often than not, I'm going to be spending the day with Lizzy. That's why it felt extra special when I got to be the helper in Peter's class last week. He was so excited, so proud, and kept asking me, "You stay with me in my room? You with me today?" I was thrilled to tell him yes! First of all, two-year-olds are just adorable. Compared to the raucous fours in Lizzy's class, they seem quiet and calm. The room is so peaceful, the children are engaged, and it's wonderful to see them in action. I loved watching Peter. He spent his morning playing with cars, doing an art project, and working on puzzles. I loved getting to have snack with him, to listen to the story, to pour water and pass food, to be a part of everything. We had such fun outside swinging, and digging, and climbing. Of course, we were both excited when Lizzy came out, and we got to play with her too. I love getting to spend some special time, just with Peter, and to see what a big boy he has become, what a capable, confident little explorer.

1 comment:

  1. School is the best...and your kids go to such a special school. I'm so glad (for you and for them!).
