Because Lizzy goes to school more days than Peter, I have to volunteer more often in her room. In fact, I only work in Peter's room three times over the course of the year. It feels like I'm always the helper for Lizzy. Whenever we talk about school at breakfast, the kids always ask if it's my turn to be helper mommy, and more often than not, I'm going to be spending the day with Lizzy. That's why it felt extra special when I got to be the helper in Peter's class last week. He was so excited, so proud, and kept asking me, "You stay with me in my room? You with me today?" I was thrilled to tell him yes! First of all, two-year-olds are just adorable. Compared to the raucous fours in Lizzy's class, they seem quiet and calm. The room is so peaceful, the children are engaged, and it's wonderful to see them in action. I loved watching Peter. He spent his morning playing with cars, doing an art project, and working on puzzles. I loved getting to have snack with him, to listen to the story, to pour water and pass food, to be a part of everything. We had such fun outside swinging, and digging, and climbing. Of course, we were both excited when Lizzy came out, and we got to play with her too. I love getting to spend some special time, just with Peter, and to see what a big boy he has become, what a capable, confident little explorer.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Those Pesky Bars......
I remember when I was a little girl watching kids do all sorts of crazy tricks on the bars at school. They would hang upside down, then flip off. Or hang by one leg and swing around. I like to imagine that I could do that too, and maybe I did. To be honest I can't really remember, and I'm certainly not going to try it now! Oh, how Lizzy wishes she could do those tricks! She looks longingly at the bars at school, or at the park, and grunts and pulls and jumps and stamps her feet in frustration trying to figure it out. Let's just say..........bars aren't her long suit- at least not yet. But, she's making progress! On a good day, she can figure out how to swing her legs up to boost herself up and sit on top of the bars. Pretty cool! But with every success, comes a set-back. About one minute after this picture was taken, after Lizzy was still tasting the sweetness of her triumph, she fell backwards and landed hard on the ground. She was shook up, and definitely deflated, but was ready to try again a few minutes later (I'm not sure I was ready for her to try again). I know she'll get it one of these days. She is a very determined girl.
We've got a new girl to add to the gang! Baby Reagan has joined the world, and Lizzy and Paige are very excited to add her to the girl club. Reagan is so adorable- very peaceful, calm, and totally cuddly. Lizzy and Paige loved getting to take turns to hold her. Lizzy, ever the wonderful big sister, could have held her all night! It's pretty wonderful to see that little pink bundle, and we're so happy for Matt and Amy:)
Friday, May 20, 2011
Big Boys in the Back
Trevor and Connor came over while their mommy was in the hospital with their baby sister. We decided to hit the town and visit the little zoo and grab some dinner. Usually, when we're driving friends around, Lizzy and the other "big" kid get to sit in the very back. For some reason, this is an extremely exciting place to be. Peter always complains that he has to sit in the middle, and shares his disgust with lots of moaning and crying. Poor guy, he never gets a chance to be the big guy in the back. This time, it just made more sense to put the bigger car seats all the way in the back, and have the boosters in the middle. You can't imaging the look of surprise, then excitement, then pride on Peter's face when he realized he was getting to sit in the "way back" this time. It was priceless! He kept saying, "See mommy! I'm a big boy!" Everybody gets their day to be the "big" guy.
This Is For You!
The other day I could hear Lizzy getting upset over a picture she was making. It wasn't turning out just right, so she started yelling and crumpled up her paper and threw it away. I decided to steer clear of this drama, and an unsettling quiet descended. What was she doing now? What was going on in there? A few minutes later Lizzy came walking into my room with a big smile on her face. She was carrying a try with a muffin and a handmade card that said, "I Love You Mom" on it. She said, "Here mom! I made this for you!" I'm not quite sure what sparked the turn around, but I loved her thoughtfulness and the darling gesture- too cute!
Happy Birthday, Caroline!
There probably aren't too many people in your life that you have attended all of their birthday parties (since birth). It's pretty cool to think about actually, because you got to be one of the people celebrating each milestone with that person, enjoying them all along the way as they grow from baby, to toddler, to little girl. We were so excited to get to ring in Carline's fifth year with her. She is our special cousin, and Lizzy's closest friend, so it was super special to get to spend a wonderful day with her splashing on the water slide and eating yummy cupcakes.
Ladybug Forest
Have you ever had a magical moment in the middle of an ordinary day? Perhaps if you didn't stumble upon a particular path, or look in a certain direction, you would have missed the most amazing sight! When we were walking home from our picnic, Lizzy wanted to look at some trees we had enjoyed earlier in the day. The kids were walking through some tall grass, when all of sudden Lizzy became excited at spotting a ladybug. We all bent down to admire it, when we found another........and another........and another. There were dozens, if not hundreds of ladybugs hanging on the tall pieces of grass. It was truly breathtaking and amazing! I've never seen anything like it. The kids go bananas at finding a single ladybug, so seeing so many, really stumbling over tons of them, was like hitting the lottery. I was so thankful to Lizzy because if we hadn't walked through this particular section of grass, we would have missed the whole thing. What a lesson in keeping your eyes open, exploring the offbeat path, and soaking in the wonder that is all around.
Gorgeous Day
Sometimes, the best day can be right in front of you. Sometimes I need to be reminded that we don't always need to go to a museum or flashy spot, just exploring the outdoors can be so wonderful. I'm blown away by my kids' ability to be fascinated by combing through dirt. Seriously, they have the most wonderful way of finding beauty everywhere. Our friend Kelly suggested going to Stanford and having a picnic on the grassy field in front of campus. Super simple, right? Why didn't I ever think of that? We brought our scooters and picnics and the kids had the best time scootering all around and enjoying their food on a gorgeous sunny day. It was awesome. Then, when we went "exploring," Lizzy and Peter loved all the amazing rocks they found. Two of our favorites were these heart rocks that were just sitting there, waiting to be admired.
Tea Party
When you are in the four-year-old class at Lizzy's school, you get to have a real tea party at school. And, in the true form of the school, this is no half-way pretend tea party- it's the real deal. I was super lucky because I happened to be volunteering this day, so I got to go to the tea party too. When we walked in from snack time, the table was totally set up. There were table cloths, real glass cups and saucers and snack plates, "silver" spoons, milk, sugar, a real tea pot full of real tea, tea sandwiches, and even dessert served on a "silver" platter. There was even candle light for goodness sakes! I was awestruck, and the children were too. We had such fun pouring our tea, making it to our liking, and enjoying our snacks. It was so special and so fun. I loved it!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Happy Mothers Day!
I got to spend Mothers Day in one of my favorite places, with three of my favorite people- lucky me! Even though it was cloudy, we decided to hit the beach. We're true Nor-Cal people- we're used to enjoying the beach in our sweats rather than our bathing suits. We had a delicious lunch from our favorite deli, with a gorgeous view of the waves crashing onto the beach. Lizzy could have combed the beach for hours. She found all kinds of shells, driftwood, and sea glass. Peter enjoyed playing in the sand and looking for shells too. Afterwards, we went for a walk along the coast, and found a fun forest full of spooky trees to climb and explore. The blessings of motherhood are not lost on me at all. I often feel like in many ways I was awoken when my children were born. My heart opened up, joy poured in, and it has been a blissful journey watching my children grow from babies, to toddlers, to little kids. I'm amazed by them everyday, and thankful, thankful, thankful I get to share my journey with them. While it is certainly wonderful to be "spoiled" and appreciated on Mothers Day, I also think it's so important to reflect on the gifts that you are given when you become a mother. Don't take it lightly! The time with those little ones goes amazingly fast. Hold on and enjoy the ride!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Mothers Day Surprise
Lizzy surprised me with this beautiful card she made at school. I love it so much! I love imagining her working on it, the time it must have taken her to add all the special touches, the love and thoughtfulness that went into making it "just right." She even wanted to take a picture of me with the finished product! I'm so thankful I get to be a mother! It is such a joyful journey, and one I am truly blessed to be on.
Oftentimes now, when Peter is going to the bathroom, he asks for "privacy please." He'll even tell me, "I need a little space, Mommy." The other day it was awfully quiet in there, and when I peeked in, I saw that Peter had gotten into the cabinets and was proudly applying (way too much) sunscreen. Safety first, I guess.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Bees to Honey
Another sun-drenched afternoon. We are seriously blessed with this weather- it's the best! It's really starting to feel like summertime, and that can only mean one thing.........playing in the sprinklers! We brought out our water mat, and for a precious few minutes Lizzy and Peter enjoyed the first splash of summer. They cautiously dipped their toes in, giggled in delight, shivered in the freezing hose water, and became more bold and daring. As their laughter wafted through the air, you can guess what happened. Like bees to honey, the other kids came bursting out of their houses, quickly pulling up their suits, ready for a dip. Of course I expected this, it's half the fun isn't it? Splashing with friends is the best part, and we were glad for their company. Lizzy, as often is the case, joined in for a little while, then made her quiet escape from the testosterone. The boys on the other hand......they would have stayed there all night. It was amazing to see boys, from little babies learning to toddle around to giant almost-kindergartners, sliding, jumping, splashing around this tiny silly little Barbie mat. They truly knew how to have fun and enjoy the moment, even with the lamest of old summer toys. I almost brought out our old slip-n-slide, but thought, why bother? Just splashing around is the best.
Farm Trip
It's the end of the school year, so Lizzy's class had their annual trip to Hidden Villa Farm. I was lucky enough to be a chaperone again, as I love to be a part of these special trips. It's so awesome to carve out some special time just with my dear girl, that I cherish those moments. I drove three other kids, plus a teacher, so I was thankful to have our bigger car this year. The kids were bursting at the seams in excitement! They could barely contain their giggles and shrieks, it was awesome. Lizzy loved visiting all the different animals on the farm. She liked the sheep the best, and was convinced one confused her pants for soft wool and blew on her leg. She was also extremely brave and walked right up to pet the enormous cow resting in the barn. She told me in amazement how soft she was, and how big her eyes were. This is definitely a trip I want to repeat with the kids in the summer. It's so lovely there, I want to come back and enjoy a picnic right next to the creek.
Beach Day Fun
It had been a while (for us anyways, as we don't like to wait too long between visits) since our last trip to one of our favorite spots- Monterey. What a gorgeous day on the coast! Blue skies, sun beaming down, a typical nor-cal breeze to cool you down just the right amount. We had a fabulous time at the aquarium, ate lunch with an ocean view, and ended with our usual ice-cream sandwich. But we didn't want the day to end. Peter, always a fan of adventures and the person who never wants them to end, said as we were walking to the car, "No Mommy and Daddy! I don't want to go home! I want to go to the beach!" Well, it didn't take much to talk us in to that! We found a tiny beach downtown and sat down and let the sway of the gentle waves relax us and mesmerize us. Lizzy found so many amazing shells, and even a giant piece of sea glass- her favorite! It was certainly a perfect day at the beach.
After Lunch Adventures
Sometimes after lunch, Lizzy and Peter become involved in elaborate imaginary play. With the after lunch frenzy of cleaning up dishes and trying to get Peter down for his nap at a somewhat reasonable time, sometimes I catch myself hurrying, or ending these games. The other day was a doozy. Danger was everywhere, and the kids sought refuge under the table, where they had created a boat full of essentials- blankets, stuffed animals, books, treasures. Lizzy is often the captain in these scenarios, and Peter her willing and capable first mate. I'm not sure why (or rather I'm exactly sure why), but Peter often ends up in imaginary beds, nests or other protective and cozy places during these games, being shielded from dangers from Lizzy. He eats it up, and Lizzy relishes the drama and excitement. It's amazing how vivid and enchanting these worlds become. The other day, I found myself allowing "just five more minutes!" and then "just five more minutes!" because I too didn't want it to end. Sometimes the moment is just too magical to hurry along.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Daddy and Darling
Thank goodness for daddies! Thank goodness for their enormous hearts, their creativity, their readiness to toss footballs and play chase, and their wonderful spirits. Lizzy and Daddy got to enjoy a special day at school together, just for dads. It was awesome! They got to paint, build together, make volcanoes in the sand, swing, and have snack and singing time. Both reported that it was a wonderful day.
Oh, Lizzy!
The other day, I could hear Peter calling out for Lizzy. He kept shouting, "Lizzy, come over me! Lizzy, come over me!" I went into the living room and what should I find, but Peter, precariously dangled between the big chair (that he had pushed over) and the couch making a tunnel. Obviously, he wanted Lizzy to come and crawl through. When he saw me, a disappointing second choice, he told me matter of factly, "No, you go mommy. You go over there (pointing to the hallway)." Lizzy quickly bounded into the room, giggled, and popped through the tunnel. I'm happy to report this game had a quick, and safe, ending.
Royal Wedding Fever!
Royal Wedding Fever officially hit our house the other morning! No, we weren't one of those crazies that woke up in the middle of the night to catch it, but we did enjoy watching it while we ate our breakfast before school. I must say, everyone was into the festivities, and enraptured by the beauty and pageantry. When Will and Kate made their way by carriage back to Buckingham Palace, I laughed to see Lizzy and Peter (and even Daddy) waving at them, cheering them on. I guess everyone is a sucker for a beautiful wedding.
Peter has started a wonderful new lunchtime tradition- picnics on the porch. One day, when we were coming home from school, he asked if we could have a picnic. What a great idea, I thought! Now, when the weather is sunny, we eat our lunches on a blanket out front. It's so fun! It feels like a little escape in the middle of the day. I love feeling the sun on my face, watching the blue, blue sky, and breathing in the beauty of the day. It's like a tiny vacation in the middle of a busy day.
Happy Easter!
What a Happy Easter we had! I love Easter........the fun traditions, the gorgeous time of year with all the flowers and sunshine, a sense of re-birth, and time with family. Our daddy had to work this Easter, so we decided to spend the morning with grandma and papa. We drove out to their church for Mass, and it was an Easter miracle- both kids managed to sit through Mass, in the "big" church, with relatively little complaint. Afterwards, we went back to grandma and papa's house for brunch. What a special treat we got, because Jack and Auntie Elizabeth unexpectedly joined us! They were coming home from visiting USC and were delayed a bit in their travels, so met up with us. We were so glad! The kids went on a little egg hunt around the house. Of course at Grandma's house, the eggs aren't just filled with candy, but thoughtful surprises like shells, and tiny trucks, and beads. We had a delicious brunch, played outside, and dyed eggs. Truly, it was such a great day!
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