Pat and I are going away for the weekend (more on that amazingness later) for our 10 year anniversary, and Auntie Elizabeth is watching Lizzy and Peter. Whenever we visit our cousins all the kids love to scooter around and around, and have the best time playing outside. Since our last visit, Lizzy has outgrown her little three wheel scooter and Peter has definitely outgrown pushing his car around. Like the loving mother (sucker) I am, I went to Target and got some new scooters for everyone so they could all have fun with their cousins. Lizzy is already amazing on her new scooter, and loves to zoom all around. Her scooter even has a tiny scooter up front that a doll can stand in and scooter with you. We were so excited to show Peter his new scooter, but when he saw it, he pushed it down and said, "NO!" Turns out he really loved Lizzy's new scooter, but when he figured out he couldn't ride it, his second choice was her hand-me-down beat-up princess scooter. It's really darling to see the two of them scootering around, and Peter is getting the hang of it too. Maybe we'll talk him into his blue Toy Story scooter, but for now everyone loves princesses.