I'm so lucky that I have made truly wonderful friends over the years that I've shared so many laughs and hilarious times with. Some of my favorites are my college friends. We had a blast living in the Kappa house together, going to parties and games, and just being crazy together. Fastforward fifteen years and those young college co-eds are now a bunch of moms! It's still so surreal to me that we're all mothers now, and I absolutely love seeing my dear friends with their darling children. It makes me even happier that my own children get to know these special women, and are friends with the other kids. Many people come and go out of your life, and may only know you for a moment, and there is something really amazing about getting to share the journey with special friends and "grow-up" together. On Friday we were able to have a picnic at the park with Amy and Megan. The "big" kids ran all around and loved climbing trees. The little boys tried to keep up, and enjoyed the sandbox a lot. It was such a beautiful sunny day, I hope we can have another picnic again soon.
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